Welcome to Digitability's Video Library

At Digitability, we understand that it takes a village. That is why we designed a model that empowers all stakeholders in education and employment. Learn more about the impact Digitability has on students, teachers, parents, administrators and more! Explore

Digitability works hard to advocate for increasing neurodiversity in the workplace. From media giants like MSNBC, CNET, and NPR, to tech-savvy outlets like TechCrunch, TED Talks, and Google's Startup Grind, we are grateful for the support of the community. Explore

Students with disabilities have complex needs and their path to preparing for today’s modern workplace involves many technical moving parts. The Digitability model uses the best, evidence-based practices for transitioning students to their indpendence. Explore

At Digitability, we understand that it takes a village. This is why we designed a program that empowers all stakeholders in education and employment. Learn more about the impact Digitability has on students, teachers, parents, administrators and more! Explore
Digitability works hard to advocate for increasing neurodiversity in the workplace. From media giants like MSNBC, CNET, and NPR, to tech-savvy outlets like TechCrunch, TED Talks, and Google's Startup Grind, we are grateful for the support of the community. Explore
Students with autism and other cognitive disabilities have complex needs. Their path to preparing for today’s modern workplace involves many moving parts. Digitability uses the best, evidence-based practices for transitioning students to their independence. Explore
Digitability Success Stories
Students Love Digitability.
Digitability equips students with the language of digital media. Students are able to speak confidently about their interests and abilities. Learn More
Digitability Work Simulation.
The Digitability Work Simulation provides an opportunity for students to showcase both digital literacy & critically important social skills.
Special Education Administrators.
Directors of Special Education and Transition Services choose Digitability as their go-to program. Learn More
Autism and Workplace Tech.
Digitability graduate develops tech and communication skills and is employed as a full-time Human Resources Professional. Learn More
Teachers Love Digitability.
Special education teacher Dawn Geigor speaks about what she loves about Digitability! Learn More
Blue Valley North Talks About Their Digitability Experience.
Explore BVN's pilot Digitability program, which prepares students with cognitive delays for workforce readiness by teaching them technology tools. Learn More
Social & Emotional Learning.
With Digitability, this middle school student is developing his work-ready portfolio to become an animator. Learn More
Haley Moss Fireside Chat.
Haley Moss speaks about diversity, inclusion, ableism, advocacy and micro-aggressions. Learn More
Anxiety & Self-esteem.
Digitability graduate overcomes anxiety and obtains additional post-secondary technical training and full-time employment. Learn More
Transition: College to Employment.
Jordan's story is one of transition as he obtained employment with Digitability. Learn More
Neurodiversity at Digitability.
Meet Jordan, one of Digitability's self-advocates and production wizard. Learn More
Digitability in the News
Why Digitability?
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics on tech literacy rates and employment. Learn More
Digitability's CEO featured for company's innovation and impact in autism education. Learn More
Digitability featured for increasing employment opportunities. Learn More
Bankability: A Digitability Banking System for Special Education
Introducing Bankability's virtual banking platform that also teaches workplace behavior.
How Satoshi Tajiri, a Game Designer with Autism, Created an International Phenomenon
Satoshi Tajiri is the creator of Pokemon, but did you know he has autism? Learn how he took his interests and simulated it for the entire world.
Elon Musk Says He Has Asperger’s
The billionaire behind Tesla and SpaceX Elon Musk says he’s on the autism spectrum while hosting Saturday Night Live.
Amazon Tv Series Starring 3 Actors with Autism
An Amazon series will follow three roommates on the autism spectrum in their 20’s, striving to get a job, keep a job, make friends, fall in love, and navigate the world. The 3 roommates are played by 3 actors who are actually autistic.
First Female Deaf Black Lawyer Claudia Gordon, Anti-Discrimination Advocate
Claudia Gordon is recognized as one of former President Obama’s key advisors for disability issues. She was also the first female deaf African American lawyer to graduate law school.
This Australian fashion model is in high demand. She also has Down Syndrome
Australian-born professional model, Madeline Stuart is shattering stereotypes that models have to be one size fits all — leggy, willowy, and disability free.
With Disabilities 'Rarely' Seen, Netflix Commits $100M Toward Inclusion
Netflix is pledging to do more after a report finds that representation of people with disabilities and other groups is lacking in its original films and television shows.
Kids With Autism See IQs Rise With Age, Study Finds
IQ is generally expected to remain stable over time, but new research suggests that the measure increases significantly for those with autism during adolescence and early adulthood.
IDEA Turns 45: Does That Mean More Funding?
Schools are legally and financially responsible for each student’s plan for special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) no matter the amount of funding they receive.
COVID: Parents Of Students In Special Ed Face ‘No-Win Situation’
The desk from which Landon Stewart attends third grade looks less like a dining table these days and more like a high-tech command center, decked with two computer screens and colored pencils.
Preparing Students with Disabilities for the Workforce
Meet Digitability's very own Dana Steinwart and her former student Grace Walline. They speak about how her program helped Grace get hired and how work life has been.
Celebrating Neurodiversity in the Workplace: The Dell Example
There is a tremendous amount of untapped talent among those in the autism spectrum community who stand ready and able to contribute to the workforce.
Wells Fargo Donates $100 Million in Support of People with Disabilities
Wells Fargo has passed the $100 million dollar mark in donations to non-profits serving people with disabilities.
Autistic teen’s diorama is now a real life ice cream parlor
Six Flags Now Autism Certified
Celebrities Call For More Inclusive Casting
In an open letter, 72 actors, directors and others in the industry say that more needs to be done to cast performers with disabilities.
Pixar's First Non-Verbal Character with Autism
Writer/Director Erica Milsom set out to create a short story about communication by using a pastime she loves: canoeing.
TD Bank Earns ‘Best Place to Work’ Honor in 2019 DEI
TD Bank has been recognized with the top score of 100 percent for the fifth consecutive year on the 2019 Disability Equality Index® (DEI).
Dan Aykroyd Says Being on the Spectrum Helped Him Make Ghostbusters
Comedian, singer, actor, and screenwriter, Blues Brother, and, of course, Ghostbuster says he was diagnosed with Asperger’s in the 1980s.
CDC, Ed Department Issue Guidance On Reopening Schools To Students With Disabilities
Federal officials are laying out a roadmap for safely reopening schools to in-person learning complete with details on how to serve students with disabilities.
Report – Algorithm-driven Hiring Tools: Innovative Recruitment or Expedited Disability Discrimination?
Algorithm-driven hiring tools have grown increasingly prevalent in recent years, but is the algorithm discriminating against people with disabilities?
Girl Scout Troop for Children with Special Needs Makes Scouting 'Meaningful'
Troop 60561 in Hillsborough, NJ, is a girl scout troop made up entirely of children with special needs.
New York Assembly Legislation Package Passed
The New York State Assembly passed a legislative package to support anti-discrimination protections for New Yorkers with disabilities.
Google Improving Assistant for People With Down Syndrome
Google is improving their assistant’s voice recognition for people with Down Syndrome by partnering with the Canadian Down Syndrome Society.
IBM Recruiting and Serving People with Disabilities
IBM has been a champion of inclusive hiring of people with disabilities since as early as 1914.
SPIRIT Fit and Health
SPIRIT Club started with Jared Ciner, who developed and taught a group-fitness class catered toward people with developmental disabilities.
Autism CARES Act of 2019
The Senate passed the House version of the Autism CARES Act of 2019 (H.R.1058) by unanimous consent. Learn More
Cartoon Network
Cartoon Network will team up with an organization called Exceptional Minds to mentor individuals with autism. Learn More
North America's largest daycare provider for canine counterparts, recently published an employee manual educating Dogtopia franchise owners on hiring and employing those with autism. Learn More
Subminimum Wage Ends
Federal lawmakers have approved legislation that would end a practice allowing employers to pay people with disabilities less than minimum wage. Learn More
Jill Houghton.
The President and CEO of Disability:IN speaking at the Hearing on how diversity benefits all Americans earlier this month. Learn More
Digitability featured for increasing employment opportunities. Learn More
Ultra Testing.
This New York-based tech company, walks the walk when it comes to embracing neurodiversity.
(Boyz II Men) Shawn Stockman.
Helping provide hope for families affected by autism Learn More
Dirt Coffee Helping Normalize Inclusion.
30% of Dirt Coffee Bar's employees are on the spectrum. They have a training program that helps onboard new interns into eventual employees. Learn More
Greta Thunberg: Mobilizing the World
Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old climate action advocate mobilizing the world against climate change, doesn't mince words. Learn More
Luv Michael Creates Opportunities for People with Autism
Luv Michael was founded in 2015 by Dr. Lisa Liberatore, inspired by her son, Michael, who has autism and was unable to work after the age of 18.
Zoom Commits To Improving Accessibility
Zoom says it is enhancing its service in order to be more accessible to users with disabilities.
Congress Weighs Stimulus Checks For Those With Disabilities, Funds For Services
A $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief plan includes a major investment in home - and community-based services and stimulus payments for more people with disabilities.
Schools Have Struggled To Fulfill IEPs Amid Pandemic, Government Report Finds
Government investigators are offering up some of the first details about how schools fared in addressing the needs of students with disabilities when they shuttered at the start of the pandemic.
Education Department Addresses Special Ed Concerns Related To COVID-19
With two new guidance documents, federal education officials are clarifying issues facing both young children with disabilities and those transitioning to adulthood amid the pandemic.
Craft Brew Pub Thrives, Thanks to a Secret Ingredient: Workers With Disabilities
Brewability is a craft beer pub run almost entirely by people with disabilities.
Mesa is Nation's First Autism Certified City
With close to 4,000 stakeholders in healthcare, education, hospitality and government trained employees, Mesa is better serve people with autism.
Hiring More Arizonans with Disabilities Could Greatly Benefit the Economy
The ADDPC commissioned a study with UMass Boston to find out increasing the employment rate in Arizona's disabled community.
Google Improving Accessibility
Google says it is working yo make smartphones easier to use for people with cognitive disabilities
NJ Autism Center of Excellence Conference
The NJ Autism Center of Excellence Conference showcased NJ’s finest teachers utilizing best practices and community resources, products and techniques to teach students with autism. Learn More
Study Calls for End To 'High-Functioning Autism' Label
High-functioning autism' is a term often used in clinical and social settings to denote the capabilities of individuals on the autism spectrum. Learn More
Accenture: Getting to Equal.
Disability:IN works with Accenture to present the advantages of disability inclusion. Learn More
Digitability's CEO featured for company's innovation and impact in autism education. Learn More
Haley Moss.
Becomes first self-adovate with autism admitted to Florida bar. Learn More
Digitability is offering facts to break misconceptions around autism and other cognitive disabilities. Learn More
Quest Diagnostics.
Quest Diagnostics, has been named to the 2019 Disability Equality Index (DEI) "Best Places to Work for Disability Inclusion." Learn More
Eagles Build Sensory Room for Fans with Autism.
Quest Diagnostics, has been named to the 2019 Disability Equality Index (DEI) "Best Places to Work for Disability Inclusion." Learn More
Harrah's NJ Autism Conference
In our technology-driven society, how can we shape student interests into marketable skills while developing their social and emotional capacity for independence?
Best Practices With Digitability
Positive Reinforcement
Positive Reinforcement is streamlined throughout the entire Digitability program. As a recurring evidence-based practice embedded in every Digitability lesson plan. Learn more
Self Regulation
Self Regulation is built by the student as they go through the Digitability program. It is important for a student's independence in and out the workplace.
Workplace Communication
Workplace Communication is implemented to students during the main curriculum and is then amplified during any of the Digitability Work-Simulations. Learn More
Differentiation & Five Types of Prompting: Warm-Up.
Teachers use differentiation and prompting to increase expressive and receptive language abilities based on individual student levels. Learn more
Immediate Feedback & Positive Reinforcement: Guided Watching
Teachers distribute dollars to students who are attending and following directions by giving a thumbs up. Learn more
Literacy & Language: Informal Assessment
During the Informal Assessment, teachers prompt the whole class to say the key concept together. Learn More
Want to learn more about Digitability?
Digitability is the only web-based curriculum, backed by science, that teaches digital literacy, social skills and job-readiness to people with a cognitive disability so they can become independent self-advocates.