Are your teachers and students ready for virtual learning environments?
Schools across the country use Digitability for their in-classroom and virtual learning needs to support student growth and improve disability employment outcomes.
In response to the push to virtual and online learning, Digitability has worked with schools and organizations to support both teacher and student virtual learning needs.
Administrators, Teachers, Parents and Students will all be able to access resources from home and use collaboration tools to work together on Digitability resources and activities no matter what type of learning environment there is.
Digitability At-Home Resources Support:
- Social-Emotional Skill Development
- Expressive/Receptive Language Development
- Digital Literacy
- Functional Academics
- Transition and Workplace Readiness Training
- And more!
Share Special Education At-Home Learning Opportunities with Your Social Networks
**Don’t have a Digitability License? Bring in-classroom and virtual training to your school today!
Free Sample Digitability Resources
Here, Digitability shares additional resources to support at-home students. These activities can be enhanced by accessing the online Digitability platform.
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How Tech Means Jobs Ahead for Kids with Cognitive Disabilities
Friday, May 1st, 2020
Individuals with intellectual disabilities have it particularly rough when it comes to getting hired. Here's how some are addressing the problem. Click here to read this #fbf Cnet Article.
What is Digitability?
Thursday, March 26th, 2020
Watch this short video to learn more about Digitabilitys mission of getting students with cognitive disabilities work-ready. Click here watch video.
Using Google Applications
Monday, April 8th, 2020
Through Digitability’s award-winning transition curriculum, students develop the personal and professional skills they need to be work-ready in today’s world. Click here to download Using Google Applications Resources.
Tips and Tricks for Using Email with Your Class
Monday, April 10th, 2020
Through Digitability, students learn how to recognize icons in Google applications so that they can send emails and complete related tasks like attaching files to email correspondence students are also taught the social dynamics that must be understood in order to properly and appropriately communicate with others professionally. Click here to download Tips and Tricks for Using Email with Your Class.
Using Google Calendar to Schedule Class Time at Home
Friday, April 24th, 2020
Google Calendar, a tool utilized hand-in-hand with Gmail, lets you stay organized, manage your time, create appointments, organize your tasks, and create events. Many people utilize Google Calendar and other features in Google Calendar in conjunction with Gmail. Click here to download Google Calendar activities.
Tips for Virtual Teaching
Wednesday, April 1st, 2020
Step into a Digitability virtual class in a short video about a life skills teacher using digitability with her class. Click here watch video.
FREE SOCIAL GAMES: Digitability Supports Students' Communication Skills Development
Friday, March 20th, 2020
Digitability streamlines a variety of domains to provide a comprehensive approach to student transition. We use technology, a preferred and primary activity for most students, as a hook to develop social, emotional and communication skills. Click here for FREE samples of Social Games by Digitability.
Learn How To Use Evidence-Based Practices At Home
Friday, March 20th, 2020
Teachers use Differentiation and Prompting to increase expressive/receptive language abilities based on individual student levels. There are five methods of Prompting that can be utilized during instruction. Click here to learn more about Gestural, Verbal, Visual, Positional and Physical Prompting.
Feds Clarify Special Ed Guidance For School Closures
Tuesday, March 24th, 2020
Click here to download the new fact sheet issued by the US Dept. of Ed.
Develop Workplace Communication Skills At-Home
Tuesday, March 24th, 2020
Modified for at-home use with siblings and/or friends, students can practice their public speaking skills using critically important digital literacy vocabulary, as well as an optional video game writing activity (Unit 1, Lesson 1: What is the Internet?). Click here to learn more for FREE Digitability Activities.
A Guide to Virtual Teaching of High Incidence Students
Thursday, March 26th, 2020
Our free, sample resources below highlight examples and ways to differentiate based on the cognitive, behavioral, social and emotional needs with a high incidence group. Click here for resources to guide a high incidence group.
A Guide to Virtual Teaching of Low Incidence Students
Thursday, March 26th, 2020
Our free, sample resources below highlight examples and ways to differentiate based on the cognitive, behavioral, social and emotional needs with a Low incidence group. Click here for resources to guide a low incidence group.
How Can Families Access Student Digitability Accounts at Home?
Friday, March 20th, 2020
As an interactive EdTech solution for special education, families can access our library of online resources to support their child at home. Click here for resources to guide and support teachers and families as they collaborate to support special education students.
Digitability Sample Functional Academics Activities
Wednesday, April 1st, 2020
When students complete all online video modules in Unit 1: Internet Basics, they will be able to define basic internet vocabulary and will apply their new knowledge in a writing activity. Click here for FREE samples of Functional Academics Activities by Digitability.
Digitability is excited to showcase one of our new Workplace Partners, Empowered Cafe.
Wednesday, April 1st, 2020
A Digitability Workplace Partner is a company that is dedicated to supporting Neurodiversity in the workplace. Click here to learn more about this workplace partner.
Using The Sandwich Approach
Monday, April 6th, 2020
One method of safely delivering critical feedback to students is to utilize the Sandwich Approach. Click here to download your sandwich approach guide.
Watch Digitability's Free Webinar on At-Home Strategies for Your Special Education Learner
Monday, April 17th, 2020
Digitability is hosting a FREE family webinar to help teachers and families work together in supporting special education students that are home due to COVID. Click here to sign up for Digitability's Free Webinar on At-home Strategies.
Setting Boundaries for Self-Regulation
Monday, April 17th, 2020
Teachers and families can coordinate the use of Setting Boundaries to support students' self-regulation. Learn how you can set boundaries using a modified Digitability lesson plan for at-home use. Click here to watch teaching self-regulation video.
COVID Education Legislation Database
Monday, April 17th, 2020
Check out this interactive map from the National Conference of State Legislatures that shows what states are passing legislation to address education initiatives due to COVID. Click here to see legislation in your state.
Positive Reinforcement & Immediate Feedback
Friday, April 24th, 2020
During the Guided Activity, teachers can prompt their students to dance when the correct answer is selected, positively reinforcing their success as a class or a team. Click here to see positive reinforcement.
At-Home Badge Word Wall and Social Economy
Friday, April 24th, 2020
You can adapt this badge word wall activity based on student goals or specific language needs. Click here to download your at-home badge word wall activities.
Parents are Fighting for Civil Rights During COVID
Thursday, April 30th, 2020
As COVID has thrust educational protocols and expectations surrounding online and virtual learning into the light, Philadelphia parent Anna Perng, mother of two boys with autism, is fighting for her child's civil rights during COVID. Click here to read Anna's Story.
Digitability's Virtual and In-Classroom Work Simulations
Monday, May 26th, 2020
Schools use Digitability to provide a comprehensive approach to special education learning. While digital literacy serves as the foundation, we use technology as a hook to develop social and communication skills, which are often a barrier to employment. Click here to download FREE Resources and watch Digitability's virtual and in-classroom video.
A Digitability Work Simulation Showcase: Blue Valley Schools' Model 18-21 Transition Program
Monday, May 26th, 2020
Through their Digitability Work Simulation, Blue Valley School District's Vocational and Life Skills Teacher, Dana Steinwart, is getting her students work-ready. Click here to watch Dana's work simulation video.
An Update on Self-Advocate Haley Moss
Monday, May 26th, 2020
Haley Moss, the first openly autistic person to pass the Florida bar, joined Digitability for a chat on ableism and other important topics last year. We provide an update on Haley's role and experiences in improving disability employment outcomes for others in the disability community. Click here to watch our Haley Moss update.
Sample IEP Goals from Digitability's IEP Goal Bank for Special Education Students
Thursday, June 11th, 2020
Digitability helps educators address multiple IEP & Transition Goals for students with autism and other special education needs. Our transition curriculum is streamlined to make IEP progress monitoring easier for teachers. Click here to read Digitability's sample IEP goals.
Autism and Workplace Technology
Thursday, June 11th, 2020
Digitability graduate Deshaun, develops technology and communication skills and is employed as a full-time Human Resources Professional. Click here to learn about Deshaun.
Using Activating Prior Knowledge Evidence-Based Practice
Thursday, June 11th, 2020
Teachers use this evidence-based practice to connect the Warm Up to the Guided Watching, giving additional attention to and providing context for the badge about to be earned together as a group. Click here to learn how Digitability uses this evidence-based practice with students.
Ben Franklin Technology awards Digitability Grant in Response to COVID-19
Friday, June 19th, 2020
Digitability has been awarded a grant from Ben Franklin Technology Partners to develop new tech features in collaboration with Jarvus. Click here to learn what Digitability is doing with that grant.
Bring the Digitability Program to Your School for the Upcoming Year
Monday, June 22nd, 2020
Summer Break is here! Begin making your students work-ready by bringing Digitability to your school for next school year. Click here to learn about how Digitability helps your teachers get your students work-ready.
The Digitability Program can be Used Both In-Classroom and Virtual
Monday, June 22nd, 2020
In response to the push to virtual and online learning, Digitability has worked with schools and organizations to support both teacher and student virtual learning needs. Click here to learn how Digitability can be used in a virtual or in-person classroom.
Why Walgreens Made an Effort to Hire People with Disabilities
Thursday, July 2nd, 2020
In a world where those with mental and physical disabilities are seen as “disabled,” what would it take to not only have those individuals contribute, but to also give them the same expectations, goals, and work at the same wage as those without disabilities? Click here to watch this TEDx Talk.
Toad&CO's Planet Access Company is More Than Just a Warehouse
Thursday, July 2nd, 2020
Toad&CO partnered with Search, Inc.to co-found the Planet Access Company, a state-of-the-art warehouse that trains and employs adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Click here to learn more about the Planet Access Company.
Stories by Self-Advocates: Nurse Jackie Anne Blair
Friday, July 17th, 2020
Her name is Jackie Anne. She may have even been your nurse. Unknown to you, and many she works side by side with daily, she also have autism. Click here to learn more about Jackie Anne's story.
More resources being added each week! Sign up for our newsletter to get new resources to your inbox.