Immediate Feedback & Positive Reinforcement
Teachers use the Social Economy to provide Immediate Feedback and Positive Reinforcement of behavior.
When awarding dollars, teachers will consistently describe the behavior (participation) immediately following a students response. You will want to ensure that you are reinforcing every single instance of participation. This may feel excessive, but that's a good thing!
The formula for this is repeat the answer + describe the behavior + deliver consequence.
The Formula
Repeat the answer + Describe the behavior + Deliver consequence.

An example of this would be, "Rylee said you can use the internet at home! Nice job earning a participation dollar." The teacher would then hand a dollar bill to Rylee.
This will help strengthen the foundation for workplace behavior, self-advocacy, and self-regulation.
It is important to remember that we are reinforcing the behavior of participating and not having a correct answer. The goal is for students to be active participants in their work setting. Teachers may use differentiation and/or prompting techniques to assist students in selecting a correct answer.

In Level 2, students will learn new successful workplace behaviors such, on-task, sharing and following directions. As new behaviors are introduced, teachers will continue providing immediate reinforcement of successful behaviors while describing the specific behavior.
The same formula will be used, repeat the answer + describe the behavior + deliver consequence.
This may sound like, "Great job earning an on-task dollar...." or "Nice job! You've earned a following directions dollar..."
As student are earning dollars for their successful workplace behavior, the teacher or a support staff member will be using the Dollar Tracker to record student earnings.

At the end of the lesson, the total dollars earned will then be assigned through Bankability in the corresponding behavior field.
This will compile all of a students data into their Student Report so that teachers can measure Workplace Behavior goals without any additional measures on their part.
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Immediate Feedback: Next Steps.
Teachers use the Teacher Dollar Tracker to record the earnings called out each time they use the phrase, “Nice work earning a participation dollar". Learn More
Immediate Feedback & Positive Reinforcement: Guided Watching
Teachers distribute dollars to students who are attending and following directions by giving a thumbs up. Learn more
Immediate Feedback & Reinforcement: Informal Assessment
Teachers consistently describe the behavior (participation) when awarding dollars. “Nice job earning a participation dollar.” Learn More
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