2022 Work Simulation Competition

2022 Work Simulation Competition

106 Essentials

High School Life Skills

Hopewell Valley High School, NJ

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Students at Hopewell Valley High School have built an ambitious one stop shop service. They offer a mobile coffee shop, grocery assistance, t-shirts, upcycled dog toys, and waffles! Their website makes offering all these services easier by centralizing order forms. 

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Look at This Classroom's Amazing Work!

Preparing Students for the Workforce

The Digitability Work Simulation allows students to gain hands-on work experience! Students prepare to gain meaningful employment with a resume, interview practice, and job skills.

Through Bankability, students also learn about financial literacy, using money they have earned to pay bills and purchase rewards. Workplace behaviors are strengthened using the Digitability Social Economy.  Student earnings are recorded in Bankability, easily tracking data.

By gaining hands-on experience, practicing financial literacy, and developing work ready behaviors, students are set up for success when entering the workforce!

Ready to bring Digitability's Work Simulations to your school? Contact us for more information.

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