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Digitability encourages collaboration

both in and out of the classroom

Digitability's Comprehensive Curriculum Covers Work-Ready Skills and Behaviors All Students Need for Success

Digitability is designed to get your students collaborating and communicating both in the physical and the virtual classroom.

Special education teacher Courtney Johnson utilizes Digitability while conducting a class held via Zoom. Though physically apart, Johnson is able to encourage her students work together to answer questions about a work simulation project the class is creating. Students answer questions and brainstorm a name for their cooking website. Johnson is able to share a digital copy of the "Planning a Website" lesson plan on the screen for all students to review during their class meeting.  The students use successful behavior skills as well as workplace readiness skills to work together to make decisions as a team.

How does Digitability prepare students for the workforce?

Use of the Digitabilty program has helped the learners in Johnson's classroom lean on the knowledge of the successful behaviors and skills they've learned through Digitability's comprehensive curriculum in order to help them reach their full potential. As her learners demonstrated throughout the lesson, with these behaviors and with some perseverance and hard work, they will be set up for successful, gainful employment as they enter the workforce in coming years.

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About Digitability

Digitability is an award-winning comprehensive life skills and transition curriculum that continues to be recognized as an innovative solution to the unemployment crisis facing a large — and growing — population of those with disabilities, such as autism, intellectual disability, Down syndrome and more. Students graduate with a work-ready portfolio and the skills to showcase their experiences, as well as a self-advocacy plan for any workplace. Teachers access an easy to use system that reduces planning and progress monitoring time.

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