Michael Clement

Michael Clement: A Middle School Student with Autism

As a student receiving services in an autistic support classroom, Michael has a range of cognitive and behavioral needs. As unique as his needs may be, so are his interest. Michael loves animation, but would prefer to watch the video game character Sonic on YouTube for hours. 


Michael’s classroom implements the Digitability program where he is developing a variety of digital literacy skills. Now, his interest in Sonic is being expressed through technology and design. Through our unique digital literacy and work-ready curriculum, Michael learned how to create a presentation in Google Slides.


However, Michael also has significant socialization and communication needs. When Michael was asked to share his work with other people, he had a major meltdown. It was important for Michael to develop his expressive language and social skills for the workplace and for his independence. 


Through Digitability's Classroom Social Economy, Michael developed the confidence and pride to share his work to an audience of over 100 strangers. Michael already has the ambition to become a video game designer.


The Digitability curriculum provides the tools students need to become digital citizens in our competitive, globally connected world.


Michael's Sonic the Hedgehog presentation shows us all what's possible for students with autism and other cognitive disabilities when we equip them with the tools necessary for success in today's tech-driven world.


One would never hand a painter a hammer in order to complete their masterpiece on canvas. Similarly, we need to equip students like Michael with the appropriate tools to not only compete in the world but, more importantly, express who they are as individuals. In addition to equipping Michael with the tools to design his project,

Digitability provided Michael with the practice he needed to build the confidence necessary to share his love of Sonic with his classmates, family, friends and guests.

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