Welcome to The Administrator Training Resource Portal!
Digitability's Work-Ready Overview (2 min)
Watch video below to learn more about:
- Curriculum Domains
- Differentiation
- Work Simulations
- Workplace Behavior
Your Digitability Administrator Account (2 min)
Admin Account Features Include:
- Dashboards
- Usage Reports
- Login
- Observation Rubrics
Learning More About School Usage Data
School reports include information on:
- teacher usage
- teacher fidelity
- student engagement
- student progress
District Level Administrators can view all schools using Digitability in their district.
When you click on “Schools” from your menu, you will see a table of all the schools associated with your district. This table will help you understand the usage at each individual school participating in your district.
For a more in-depth look at a particular school, select “view” from the “action” column. This view will allow you to explore individual school progress. You will be able to see each teacher at that school and monitor their usage. Student data is displayed for a quick overview on student progress towards mastery of concepts. On this page, you will also be able to communicate with teachers at that site. |
Using the Digitability Observation Rubric
Use the Observation Rubric to
- observe evidence-based practices
- recognizing types of prompting
- give targeted feedback
- create next steps
The Digitability Observation Rubric has been created to assess teacher usage of evidence-based practices. Every Digitability lesson plan contains the components of an effective lesson. The Observation Rubric breaks down each component and identifies which evidence-based practice/strategy supports that section.
Understanding Your Administrator Dashboard
Your Administrator Dashboard displays:
- schools in your district
- teachers at your school
- students using Digitability
- details of teacher/student usage
Your administrator dashboard is designed to give you a quick overview of your district’s usage. You will see how many schools, teachers, and students are using Digitability and the details of their usage.
The "Facilitator Level Key" displays teacher usage so you can see how often teachers in your district are implementing Digitability. Teacher usage levels will be unique to classroom schedules and facilitation models.
The "Student Progress Key" graph measures student mastery of measurable objectives.
You will also be able to view and communicate with other administrators.
At the top right-hand corner, you will see an “Account” button.
Clicking the “Account” button will allow you to update your information if needed, and also allow you to choose how frequently you would like to receive reports to your inbox.
Learning More About Teacher Usage Data
View teacher usage details such as:
- Lessons Completed
- Student Lessons Past Week
- Student Lesson Past Week
- Student Roster Score
School administrators can view all teachers at their site using Digitability.
When you click on the “Teachers” tab from your menu, you will see a list of all the teacher accounts at your school. |
In the “Lesson Completed” column, you will see how many lessons a teacher has taught in total. The “Lessons Past Week” column will indicate how many lessons were taught in that week. And “Engagement past week” will tell you how many days they logged on during the last week.
The “Student Lessons Past Week” is an average of all the lessons completed by students assigned to that teacher in the past week. “Student Eng. Past Week” will indicate how many days students were logged on. And the “Student Roster Score” is an average score for all students assigned to that teacher.
Teacher Roll-Out Training
You can view our teacher training modules below:
Bankability Overview
Through Bankability students can:
- Pay monthly bills
- Purchase rewards online
- Transfer from checking to savings
- Set monthly budgets
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Self Regulation
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Preparing Students with Disabilities for the Workforce
Meet Digitability's very own Dana Steinwart and her former student Grace Walline. They speak about how her program helped Grace get hired and how work life has been.