2024 Work Simulation Competition

2024 Work Simulation Competition

Tartan Treats

Highland Regional High School
Blackwood, NJ

Self-Contained Multi-Disability

Students in the Job Transition Class sell homemade dog treats, homemade cookies and other pastries, seasonal treats, birdseed ornaments, holiday decor and more. The students created the "Tartan Treats" website where they have all of the information including testimonials and order forms. The students each have a role in the business including project manager, lead copywriter, assistant copywriters, multi-media manager, assistant multi-media managers, lead web designer, and assistant web designers. All team members have roles in the kitchen, packaging and advertising.

About the Digitability Work Simulation Program

Digitability believes that skills are best learned through real-world experience and application. That’s why Digitability created the Work Simulation Program: a complete curriculum that teaches work-ready skills in a hands-on way you won’t find anywhere else.

After choosing their classroom’s Work Simulation project, students are “hired” for jobs and begin practicing workplace behavior, managing tasks, using tech skills for independence, self-advocating, self-regulating and more. 

Digitability Work Simulations include Bankability, a virtual banking and workplace behavior program where students earn virtual dollars when they exhibit behaviors that will make them successful in the workplace and increase their independence. Using those dollars earned, students experience a modern banking app while learning the fundamentals of budgeting concepts such as earning, spending, and saving.

For more information about how you can bring Digitability’s award-winning program to your school or organization and join in with a Work Simulation Project of your own, click here.