UPDATE! We have made it easier than ever to earn your rewards! You can now earn your monthly rewards during your coaching calls. Refer to the milestones below to learn more.

Onboarding: Digitability's Training & Coaching Model
Implementation Coaches introduce teachers to core program components, including curriculum materials, Bankability & The Social Economy, and Work Simulations. On-boarding continues throughout the school year as teachers unlock more features tailored to meet their personal classroom needs. Teachers are set up to collaborate 1:1 with their coach to troubleshoot any perceived barriers and gain comfort and confidence.
To earn your reward: Create Digitability accounts for each of your students. These accounts will be used to access independent practice activities, manage their online bank accounts, and monitor progress data. Learn more.

Creating Your Social Economy
Implementation Coaches will help you design a Social Economy that rewards students for progress. This evidence-based design develops motivation, language, and the ability to attend through this Social Economy system, which provides that positive reinforcement that students need. Your coach will help you identify the bills, rewards and financial routines that will help you maximize your impact. If you have an existing token economy or rewards program, your coach will streamline your system into Bankability so that it's automated and linked to the banking and payroll process.
To earn your reward: Design your Social Economy using Bankability. Include at least two bills and three rewards available for purchase next month. Learn more.

Workplace Communication: Exit Ticket Activities
Digitability prepares students for today's workplace communication norms. Digitability lessons are designed to presume competence and find the right support to develop workplace communication skills. Coaches help teachers utilize the differentiated resources included, or create additional resources, to meet students at their current levels and build capacity incrementally.
To earn your reward: Complete a Digitability Exit Ticket Activity using the Part B Rubric for measuring expressive and receptive language for at least one student. Learn more.

Payroll and Progress Reports
Digitability makes progress monitoring quick and easy for our teachers! During this call, your Digitability Coach will help you enter student data, navigate progress reports and link data to your students' IEP goals. Using Bankability's Payroll system all of your student progress data can be graphed, charted and available as a PDF to share. Digitability will run Payday automatically on the 1st or 15th of each month--so you don't have to.
To earn your reward: Generate a student report that includes data in all Level 1 sections. Learn more.

Data-Driven Decision Making
Digitability prepares students for today's workplace communication norms. Digitability lessons are designed to presume competence and find the right support to develop workplace communication skills. Coaches help teachers utilize the differentiated resources included, or create additional resources, to meet students at their current levels and build capacity incrementally
To earn your reward: Complete a Digitability Exit Ticket Activity using the Part B Rubric for measuring expressive and receptive language for at least one student. Learn more.

Work Simulation Competition Planning: Workplace Routines
Digitability's Work Simulation provides real-life work scenarios for students. Through Digitability’s Work Simulation Competition, schools across the country are now connected in a new way, showcasing their ideas for promoting independence and teaching self-advocacy. In Phase 1: Workplace Routines students will establish workplace routines that will be used throughout their entire Work Simulation. During this call your Coach will provide you with your Work Simulation project template.
To earn your reward: Collect video of your students participating in a Standup Meeting. Learn More

Differentiation in a Work Simulation: Hiring Students
Digitability Work Simulations are designed to be flexible and provide a meaningful experience to all students. Job roles can be customized to ensure that everyone has a role and responsibilities throughout the Work Simulation. During this call, your Digitability Coach will make sure that you have the resources you need so that all students can be successful.
To earn your reward: Submit student work samples including job applications and work orders. We'll also collect a video of students collaborating on the project. Learn More

Employee Training and Performance Review
Implementation Coaches will review the process for complete a performance review. Your coach will help you identify the supports needed in your classroom so that every student can play a role. We will review resources so that feedback to students is relevant and timely.
To earn your reward: Submit completed student work orders along with performance review rubrics. Learn More

Work Simulation Demo Day!
Demo Day is an opportunity for students to highlight their skills and strengths to a wider audience. Guest may include parents, administrators, and other team members. Your Implementation Coach will help you identify the resources and templates that will best showcase the work your students have done.
To earn your reward: Submit video of students participating in Demo Day. We'll also collect video of students rehearsing for Demo Day and receiving feedback from others on Demo Day. Learn More

Work-Ready Portfolio and Job-Seeking
Every student will package their professional portfolios. Your Implementation Coach will ensure that all students have the resources they need to successfully prepare their assets. From Google Sites to printed PDFs, Digitability provides everything you need to send your students into the workforce.
To earn your reward: Submit student portfolios and videos of students interviewing for new job roles. Learn More

Self-Advocacy Planning
Through Digitability's Social Economy and Bankability, students will have the data they need to identify their strengths and areas for growth. Your Implementation Coach will make sure you have the resources you need to help your student advocate for themselves in your classroom and the workplace.

Family Engagement
Digitability's comprehensive program has a multitude of resources for both teachers and families to support the facilitation of Digitability in an at-home learning environment. With these resources, teachers can facilitate the program in their classrooms, and families can reinforce and maintain progress students have made.