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Dan Aykroyd Says Being on the Spectrum

Helped Him Make Ghostbusters

Dan Aykroyd Says Being on the Spectrum Helped Him Make Ghostbusters

Article by Caroline Miller | Child Mind Institute | Dec. 12, 2013

Dan Aykroyd—comedian, singer, actor and screenwriter, Blues Brother and, of course, Ghostbuster—who tells the Daily Mail that he was diagnosed with Asperger’s in the 1980s. Aykroyd’s news comes close on the heel of singer Susan Boyle and Daryl Hannah, who both revealed that they have Asperger’s. But Aykroyd’s story is a little different.Both Hannah and Boyle said their autism made their careers more challenging—Hannah retreated from Hollywood because she couldn’t handle the demands of doing publicity, and Boyle has struggled to control outbursts that have drawn a lot of negative attention. But Aykroyd, who said he was diagnosed when his wife urged him to see a doctor, cheerfully credited his... Read More at Child Mind Institute

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