COVID Education Legislation Database

COVID Education Legislation Database

COVID Education Legislation Tracking Database by State

This sudden transition to virtual learning environments due to COVID is sparking massive change across all industries, and Education is no different.

Check out this interactive map from the National Conference of State Legislatures that shows what states are passing legislation to address education initiatives.

Since mid-February, there are a total of 57 PreK-12 bills across 24 states. Use this interactive map to see what your state is doing to address virtual learning and digital literacy.

Three States Drafting Legislation to Address Online Learning and Digital Literacy


Idaho introduced this bill to establish the 'Public School Digital Content and Curriculum Fund.' With the allocation of these funds, Idaho could address both short-term and long-term online learning initiatives, as well as address and update their digital literacy standards.


As a state hit especially hard during this time, New Jersey is ensuring access to virtual learning tools for its most vulnerable students. This bill would establish 'Bridging the Digital Divide in Schools Grant Program' to provide and expand access to technology and equipment for students in certain school districts.


Arkansas legislators have proposed appropriations for computer science initiatives by the Department of Education. With the allocation of these funds, Idaho could address both short-term and long-term online learning initiatives, as well as address and update their digital literacy standards.

Use this interactive map to see what your state is doing to address virtual learning and digital literacy.

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