National Disability Employment Awareness Month – Day 23

Day 23 – Foster Inclusive Internship Programs Day 23 – Foster Inclusive Internship Programs During NDEAM, and all year round, employers should ensure their internship opportunities are open to all qualified candidates, including those with disabilities. For help in this area, check out ODEP’s Inclusive Internship Programs: A How-to Guide for Employers [PDF]. The free publication discusses…

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National Disability Employment Awareness Month – Day 22

Day 22 – Join a Business Organization Day 22 – Join a Business Organization For employers, NDEAM is a great time to learn how you can take action to expand employment opportunities for people with disabilities by joining a business organization committed to increasing the employment of people with disabilities. Previous Day #21 — Assess…

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National Disability Employment Awareness Month – Day 21

Day 21 – Assess eRecruiting Accessibility Day 21 – Assess eRecruiting Accessibility Today, job application and on-boarding processes are increasingly conducted electronically. For employers, it is essential to ensure that all qualified applicants can get in the “virtual” door. NDEAM is a great time to assess the accessibility of the technical side of an organization’s…

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National Disability Employment Awareness Month – Day 18

Day 18 – Reach Out to Local Media Day 18 – Reach Out to Local Media For disability-related organizations, NDEAM presents an opportunity to increase their visibility through local TV, radio and print media. Ideas include writing an op-ed piece or letter to the editor about the value and talent people with disabilities have to…

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National Disability Employment Awareness Month – Day 20

Day 20 – Take Advantage of the Job Accommodation Network Day 20 – Take Advantage of the Job Accommodation Network Employers, service providers, and individuals can receive free, confidential, and expert one-on-one guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues during NDEAM and year-round from the Job Accommodation Network (JAN). Just visit or call 1-800-526-7234…

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National Disability Employment Awareness Month – Day 19

Day 19 – Access the Workforce Recruitment Program Day 19 – Access the Workforce Recruitment Program During NDEAM and year-round, federal employers can use the Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP) to identify qualified, pre-screened college students and recent graduates with disabilities for summer and permanent positions for the coming year. The WRP is coordinated by ODEP and…

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National Disability Employment Awareness Month – Day 17

Day 17 – Hold an NDEAM “Management Breakfast” or “Brown-bag Lunch” Day 17 – Hold an NDEAM “Management Breakfast” or “Brown-bag Lunch” For disability-related organizations, NDEAM is a great time to sponsor an informal seminar or panel presentation for local employers on the topic of disability employment and the benefits of a disability-inclusive workplace. Such…

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National Disability Employment Awareness Month – Day 16

Day 16 – Solicit an NDEAM Proclamation Day 16 – Solicit an NDEAM Proclamation Disability-related organizations can cultivate community-wide support for NDEAM by asking their mayor, governor or other officials to formally proclaim the event. A template that organizations can easily customize is available to assist in soliciting such a proclamation. In addition, community leaders could be…

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National Disability Employment Awareness Month – Day 15

Day 15 – Post an NDEAM Weblink Day 15 – Post an NDEAM Weblink Whether you’re an employer, school or service provider, an NDEAM link on your website demonstrates your commitment to advancing disability employment and keep your website dynamic and up to date. To create a link, use the NDEAM poster thumbnail image (English | Spanish)…

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National Disability Employment Awareness Month – Day 14

Day 14 – Feature NDEAM in Your Magazine or Newsletter Day 14 – Feature NDEAM in Your Magazine or Newsletter For associations or unions, NDEAM offers timely and fresh content for magazines or newsletters. Articles can inform members about NDEAM and its purpose, as well as specific ideas for how members can implement relevant activities…

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