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Thank you again for advocating for the independence of your child and all children everywhere on behalf of Digitability. Digitability will connect with the school or organization you referred to organize a free info session.
Before you go, take a moment to learn more about Digitability's award-winning pre-employment transition program that streamlines all of the necessary academic, social/emotional and vocational skills training needed for work-readiness and independence.
About Digitability's Founder
Wanting to do more for her own students, Michele McKeone, M.Ed founded Digitability to level the playing field for all students who were identified with a disability. She understood that there would be social and psychological barriers to overcome. In her 2016 TedxTalk, Michele emphasized the importance of empathy in achieving a workforce where neurodiversity is embraced.
Today, 75% of all jobs require some degree of technical literacy. In a CNET feature that discusses, "How tech means jobs ahead for kids with cognitive disabilities," Digitability is highlighted as a company focused on changing the current status quo of pigeonholing people with cognitive disabilities into unemployment or underemployment.