3 Solutions in 1 Award-winning Program. This is Digitability.

Digitability is the bridge from school to your child's independence

Here's how you can advocate for the Digitability program in your student's school

Digitability is the only web-based curriculum used in the classroom to teach digital literacy, social skills and job-readiness to people with a cognitive disability so they can become independent self-advocates.

Digitability is a user-friendly platform which aligns to IEP and transition goals, provides student performance data and analytics and delivers curriculum designed to prepare students for independent living in a tech-driven workforce -- and you can advocate for Digitability and your student by referring your school to us. Thank you!

Our friendly team would love to show the Digitability program to your school

Please use the form on the sidebar to reach a member of the Digitability team who can reach out to your school's administrator so they can learn more about the Digitability program.

digitability-student-parent-advocate"As a parent, I can tell you that Digitability is a rare find. I signed up for Digitability to give my child something engaging, but also teaches valuable skills.

Digitability does this in a manner that keeps my child coming back for more! Plus, we can do it together, so I’m learning new skills too!" 

-- Leslie Baretta, parent of an exceptional child


Advocate for your Student’s Independence

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